Product Updates

Quiltt Product Updates - July 2024

Zane Pickett
August 3, 2024

Welcome to the Quiltt product updates for July 2024, showcasing our recent advancements toward lowering technical barriers for individuals and teams building in financial services. Explore what’s new and how we're improving Quiltt, one update at a time.



With Statements, you can now directly access and analyze customer financial data. This unlocks a wide range of possibilities, from automating bookkeeping and accounting tasks to offering personalized financial insights and advice. Statements streamline financial processes, enhances customer experiences, and enables data-driven innovation.

Dive into our docs to learn more.

Added new connectionSynced GraphQL Subscription

You can now subscribe to Connection sync events using GraphQL Subscriptions, allowing you to get real-time updates whenever a Connection on your profile has finished syncing.

See the docs for usage examples or test out the new Subscription in QuilttHub.

Connector Redirects

You can now configure Connector redirects from the Dashboard. This lets you redirect users to a URL of your choice upon successful completion of the flow. See the docs for more information.

Test Environments

We are rolling out new Test Environments designed for CI that automatically clean up resources after all sessions for a profile have expired. If you would like to try out the new test environment, let us know!

Role Management in Dashboard

We’ve introduced new roles in Dashboard: Manager, Core, and Basic. All current users have been migrated to Manager. We are still building out this permissioning, but you may now start inviting developers as Core if you don’t want them to have the ability to add other people to your administration. 


  • Connector
    • Significantly Improve Institution Search Performance
    • Improve the way we handle incomplete MX Connections
  • Platform
    • Added ability to filter accounts by the status of the associated Connection. For example, you can now filter for accounts where the Connection has a [.highlight]ERROR_REPAIRABLE[.highlight] status.
    • We've exposed both Credit and Loan as Account Kinds
    • Increase Transaction look ahead from 5 days to 2 weeks
    • Automatically disable inactive API Keys with180 days with 72 hours notice
    • 3rd party errors that occur during Quiltt API requests will now return a 502 HTTP status code, instead of 500, with the following payload:
json { "message": "Bad Gateway", "instruction": 
"An upstream provider is experiencing an issue. Please try again later." }

  • Dashboard
    • Improved validation of customer-supplied API keys (Ntropy, MX, Plaid, FinGoal)
    • Exposed Last Seen Date and Client IDs on API Keys

Bug Fixes

  • Platform
    • Fixed API error responses when JSON body is malformed
    • Fixed issue with Mock provider upgrades not triggering syncing of new data
    • Fixed filtering accounts by [.highlight]kind_not[.highlight] argument in GraphQL
    • Fix syncing issue when Plaid Investments Transactions don’t have an associated Security
    • Fixed bug with Remote Data in GraphQL sometimes returning stale data.
    • Fixed GraphQL API error when looking up certain malformed IDs
  • Connector
    • Fixed the close behavior of the MX Widget in certain Inline Container mode configurations
    • Fixed issue where feature upgrade flows could sometimes take too long and timeout
    • Fix issue with Institution Search resetting when stepping Backwards
  • Dashboard
    • Toggling Connector settings no longer deletes custom provider-specific configuration
    • Fixed inaccurate Profile counts in Dashboard
    • Fix issue with prematurely hiding API Keys that are pending removal
  • Quiltt Hub
    • Fix unstable pagination of transactions
    • Fix pagination buttons overflowing in Transactions Table

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